1. Routine Hematology

⦁ CBC and individual parameters like Total count, Differential count, Hemoglobin estimation, Platelet count
⦁ Reticulocyte count

2. Special Hematology

  • Bone marrow study including special stains
  • G6PD qualitative screening
  • Coagulation tests-
    • Fibrinogen,
    • Factor VIII, Factor
      IX assays
    • Mixing and Inhibitor
      study, BETHESDA

3. Clinical Pathology 

    ⦁Body fluid analysis 
    ⦁ Urine analysis screening

4. Fluid cytology and Cytopathology including   

   ⦁ Special stains
   ⦁ Immunocytochemistry

5. FNACs including guided FNACs


6. Histopathology including

   ⦁Immunohistochemistry (IHC) 
   ⦁ Special stains

7. Frozen Section            

8. Emergency Lab Services (24*7)